One of the many reasons why I love working with teens is because of their honesty.  They will tell it like it is, and I love it.

Most recently I wanted to know what teens value.  What matters most to them and why.  I asked two groups of teens (about 40 in total), what was more important to them: family time or personal time. 

I will be honest, I was surprised by their response.  All but three teens said family time. 

When I asked further about their thoughts on personal time.  They all agreed it was important to them.  However, spending quality time with their family meant more to them, and many of them felt that family time was like personal time.

Isn’t that amazing to hear???

The teens continued to share why they valued family time more and it made sense.  All of them agreed that their family is the most important thing to them.  Their family is their support system, even more than friends, and they do love their friends.  They feel like they can be themselves when they are with their families, more than anyone else. 

They also mentioned that as they are getting older, they don’t have as much family time as they would like because everyone in their unit is busy.  These teenagers have a lot of commitments and so do their parents.  Since it is so scarce even the smallest amount of family time is important to them.  In the end, they shared that they wished they had more time with their family.

What can we do to have quality time with our teens? Here are a few tips:

  • Tech free dinners

On those rare nights when everyone is able to sit at the dinner table, make it a habit to not bring your devices to the table.  Better yet, put them on airplane mode or leave them on silent and leave them in another room.  Be present and take the time to allow everyone to share something from their day.  If you feel like your teen is reluctant to talk to you, instead of asking “How was your day?” ask “What was something that made you laugh today?” or “What was something you learned today?” and make sure everyone shares. 

  • Step into Their World

What is your teen passionate about?  Have them teach you something that interests them and listen and learn from them.  Let them explain why they love what they do.  And if you are able to, try it out.    

  • Create a tradition

A majority of the teens shared that the only day they can have a family dinner is on Sunday.  They appreciated the tradition and knowing that they had that time to spend together.  Other teens shared they have movie nights once a month or how Sunday football is their opportunity to bond with their family. 

  • Get Involved in Your Community Together

Most teens I speak to are inspired by the idea of being a Global Citizen and giving back to their community and the world.  Find a cause that matters to you both and find ways you can bet involved together.  If there is a local organization, go to meetings together or get involved in their campaigns.

I hope you are spending quality time with your teen.  Let me know how you make the most out of your family time? 

Much love,


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