“A positive mental attitude (PMA) is the starting point of all riches, whether they be riches of a material nature or intangible riches.”

– Napoleon Hill

I like to consider myself as someone who has a PMA. I wasn’t always this way. I used to assume the worst in people (including myself), situations and outcomes. It has taken a lot of work on myself, self-reflecting and digging deep to define how I want to live my life and the type of energy I want to be surrounded by. And still, after all the work I have done, I sometimes find myself assuming the negative in a situation. The difference is now, as soon as I find myself starting down the negative thought path I autocorrect and flip my internal conversation. Adopting a positive mental attitude allows you to get out of your head and be present and in the moment.

Once I adopted a PMA, I noticed a lot of changes in my life, changes I hope you can also experience. Let me share…

  1. I feel peace. Life is going to happen. Like it or not, there are things that are out of your control. When I set out assuming the best in a situation, even if it is outside of my comfort zone, I usually end up feeling better about myself and the situation itself. This doesn’t mean that I don’t feel my nerves, I do, but I allow those feelings to mix with excitement and that allows me to calm down and just ride the moment.
  2. I notice my surroundings. Once I changed and believed my new positive mindset, I noticed I started to really take in the beauty of my surroundings, the sky, the birds, people laughing, the landscape. Once I got out of my head, I was able to really see everything that surrounds me.
  3. My relationships became deeper. What I noticed is I attract people with a similar mindset, that want the best for both themselves and others, and therefore are honest, sincere and uplifting. What I find is like energy attracts like energy, and as a result my relationships are meaningful and authentic.
  4. I am empowered to reach my goals. Having a PMA I am empowered to take action and reach my goals. A PMA has given me the ability to develop the self-discipline to do the tasks necessary because they are in harmony with my end goal. These tasks don’t feel burdensome, in fact I wake up excited to do, what I would once avoid. This is a huge accomplishment, because I would procrastinate every task, chore, assignment, you name it, possible. When I switched how I looked at things, the things I looked at changed. They no longer seemed like unachievable, one-day goals, but rather, items I can easily check off as long as I have a plan.

If adopting an PMA seems like an impossible feat, I recommend you reach out and schedule a free Power Session and we can help you get on the path of a positive outlook.

Much love,

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