Hello there! Wishing you well on a very HOT summer day in New Jersey.

Often in my conversations with teenagers (and adults too), I notice a lot of frustration, angst and the feeling of heaviness when it comes to making decisions. I completely understand how it can sometimes feel like you are carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders when there is a very important decision to be made. No one wants to choose unwisely and of course the best outcome is desired. Indecision, can often lead to procrastination, that can then turn into complete paralysis. How many of you can relate?

I was recently flipping through a revised version of Napoleon Hill’s “Think and Grow Rich”, and found myself focused on the chapter about Decision. Being able to make a decision quickly and with certainty is so important, that he dedicates an entire chapter to it. If you struggle with making decisions, and want to change here are the top three actions you can start practicing today.

  1.  Stop procrastinating. What are you waiting for? There is never a perfect time or circumstances. According to Napoleon Hill, “Procrastination, the opposite of decision, is a common enemy that practically everybody must conquer”. Procrastination is simply a delay or avoidance in taking action. How many times have you found yourself organizing the back shelf in your closet simply to avoid doing a task that must be completed? Or perhaps you find yourself watching Netflix, avoiding what really must get done. In the moment, it feels better to complete these unnecessary tasks instead of the urgent ones, but feelings follow? When we procrastinate, often times it can lead to feelings of guilt, not-feeling good enough and even self-doubt. Often times we procrastinate in order to avoid feeling stressed and overwhelmed by decisions that need to be made, but it is actually the end result. Great leaders, do not delay action, they take action because they understand that all that is true and real is this very moment. Of course, you should take time to consider the options, reflect, then act. Be the great leader in your life and stop delaying, the future isn’t guaranteed.
  2. Be mindful of the opinions you consider. Are you easily influenced by the opinions of others? Do you find yourself asking everyone what they think before making a decision? Keep in mind, that when people are offering their opinion or advice, it is often based on their experiences, their pain, their failures or their successes. “If you are influenced by the opinions of others, you will have no desire of your own.” Take action because you feel empowered, not because that’s what others think you “should” do. Not only will you make conscious decisions, you well free yourself of the burden of pleasing others. Everyone has an opinion, be mindful of who you are sharing your plans or challenges with. You may think these advisers are speaking on what they feel is best for you, but what they may be doing is projecting their own fears onto you.
  3. Have a purpose. In every undertaking you must have a clear purpose or goal. What do you want? If you don’t know what you want, how can you make a decision? Know what you want, create a plan and go. As Napoleon Hill writes, “Tell the world what you intend to do, but first show it.” As I’ve written many times before, it is critical you write down you goals and focus on them. If something comes up and it isn’t in alignment with what you purpose or goal is, perhaps you should let it go. Do the work that fits with your plan, and do it well.

If you want help creating a mission statement, download my Free Teen Guide to Confidence and Power. In there I have tips on creating your own personal mission statement. Take the first step in creating your ideal future. Thank you for reading!

Much love,


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